Saturday, January 2, 2016

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From Buzzfeed courtest of the NASW, 15 of the most hilarious media corrections this year, including the reporting of the fact that Pope Francis is the first non-Catholic pope for 450 years in the London Times.
In Scientific American online, an article questions why some people are more anxious than others. It possibly has to do with the neurotransmitter molecule anandamide, which is regulated by a fatty acid (FAAH) that deactivates it. A gene variation in some people makes them have less FAAH and those people are less anxious and forget negative experiences. Sounds like pharma will be making FAAH inhibitors soon.
Here's a selection of science stories you may have missed from 2015
Lincoln U in UK published in Applied Animal Behavior that cats have different ways (from each other) of locating food, some preferring visual over auditory stimuli. (Not too sorry if I missed that story but there are others.)
PBS Parents writes about the difference between praise and encouragement. One difference is that praise focuses on perfection rather then progress towards a goal and improvement. As a parent it is important to help your child learn more about him/herself, which praise does not do, but encouragement does.
This is the Nature episode on the possible extinction of frogs due to the chytrid fungus. First aired in 2009.

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